Date Track Opposition Competition Result Note
11/03/1977 Workington Newcastle Alan Middleton Benefit 41-36
15/03/1977 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port v Cradley Heath v Halifax v Sheffield Four Team 29 v 33 v 18 v 14
16/03/1977 White City Wimbledon Challenge 49-29
17/03/1977 Oxford Weymouth Challenge L1 48-30
17/03/1977 Wimbledon Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 43-35
18/03/1977 Hackney King's Lynn Spring Gold Cup 41-37
18/03/1977 Wolverhampton Cradley Heath Sandwell Mail Trophy 31-47
18/03/1977 Workington Berwick Border Trophy L1 50-28
19/03/1977 Belle Vue Halifax Frank Varey Northern Trophy Postponed Rain
19/03/1977 Berwick Workington Border Trophy L2 47-31
19/03/1977 Coventry Leicester East Midlands Bowl L1 39-39
19/03/1977 Cradley Heath Wolverhampton Sandwell Mail Trophy 46-32
19/03/1977 King's Lynn Stal Gorzow (Poland) International Challenge 50-28
19/03/1977 Stoke Boston Challenge L1 34-42
19/03/1977 Swindon Reading Inter-Counties Challenge L1 18-06 Aband Heat 04 - rain
20/03/1977 Boston Ex-Cudas Challenge 43-35
20/03/1977 Eastbourne Peterborough Challenge 68-40
20/03/1977 Mildenhall Oxford Challenge 48-30
21/03/1977 Birmingham Wolverhampton Sandwell Mail Trophy 34-44
21/03/1977 Newcastle Berwick Revenge Challenge L1 42-36
21/03/1977 Reading Stal Gorzow (Poland) International Challenge 47-31
22/03/1977 Ellesmere Port Stoke Challenge 60-18
22/03/1977 Leicester Stal Gorzow (Poland) International Challenge 59-19
23/03/1977 Poole Swindon Champagne Stakes L1 48-48
23/03/1977 White City King's Lynn Challenge 44-34
24/03/1977 Oxford Stoke Inter-City Trophy L1 51-27
24/03/1977 Wimbledon Daily Express Spring Classic Individual Billy Sanders
25/03/1977 Hackney Stal Gorzow (Poland) International Challenge 56-22
25/03/1977 Peterborough Rye House Challenge 42-35
25/03/1977 Wolverhampton Birmingham Sandwell Mail Trophy 35-43
25/03/1977 Workington Ellesmere Port Challenge 44-33
26/03/1977 Belle Vue Sheffield Frank Varey Northern Trophy Postponed Rain - not restaged
26/03/1977 Berwick Newcastle Revenge Challenge L2 34-44
26/03/1977 Coventry Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 48-29
26/03/1977 Cradley Heath Birmingham Sandwell Mail Trophy 40-37
26/03/1977 Halifax Hull Frank Varey Northern Trophy 51-26
26/03/1977 King's Lynn Reading Spring Gold Cup 44-34
26/03/1977 Stoke Oxford Inter-City Trophy L2 35-43
26/03/1977 Swindon Poole Champagne Stakes L2 48-48
27/03/1977 Boston Stoke Challenge L2 60-18
27/03/1977 Eastbourne Ellesmere Port National League 49-29
27/03/1977 Mildenhall Coatbridge National League Postponed Rain
27/03/1977 Rye House Peterborough Challenge Postponed Rain
28/03/1977 Birmingham Cradley Heath Sandwell Mail Trophy 41-37
28/03/1977 Exeter Stal Gorzow (Poland) International Challenge 57-21
28/03/1977 Newcastle Weymouth National League 43-34
28/03/1977 Reading Swindon Inter-Counties Challenge L1 41-37
29/03/1977 Ellesmere Port Weymouth National League 43-35
29/03/1977 Leicester King's Lynn Border Trophy L1 37-41
30/03/1977 Hull Halifax Frank Varey Northern Trophy 51-27
30/03/1977 Poole Wimbledon Spring Gold Cup 50-28
30/03/1977 White City Itex 100 Individual Ole Olsen
31/03/1977 Ipswich Britannia Superstars Individual Ole Olsen
31/03/1977 Oxford Mildenhall Challenge 40-37
31/03/1977 Sheffield Halifax Frank Varey Northern Trophy Postponed Rain
31/03/1977 Teesside Berwick National League Postponed Rain
31/03/1977 Wimbledon Exeter Spring Gold Cup 45-32
01/04/1977 Coatbridge Berwick National League 45-33
01/04/1977 Hackney Reading Spring Gold Cup 37-41
01/04/1977 Peterborough Teesside National League 43-35
01/04/1977 Wolverhampton Bristol Gulf Oil British League 47-31
01/04/1977 Workington Boston National League 48-30
02/04/1977 Belle Vue Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 54-23
02/04/1977 Berwick Ellesmere Port National League 36-42
02/04/1977 Halifax Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 37-41
02/04/1977 King's Lynn Hackney Spring Gold Cup 43-35
02/04/1977 Stoke Mildenhall National League 34-44
02/04/1977 Swindon Coventry Gulf Oil British League 44.5-33.5
03/04/1977 Boston Peterborough Challenge 40-38
03/04/1977 Eastbourne Canterbury NL KOC R1 L1 55-23
03/04/1977 Mildenhall Newcastle National League 45-32
03/04/1977 Rye House Crayford Tunnel Trophy L1 44-34
04/04/1977 Birmingham White City Gulf Oil British League 34-44
04/04/1977 Cradley Heath Halifax Gulf Oil British League 52-25
04/04/1977 Exeter Bristol Spring Gold Cup 43-35
04/04/1977 Newcastle Teesside National League 38-40
04/04/1977 Reading Ipswich Spring Gold Cup 41-37
04/04/1977 Scunthorpe Stoke Challenge 41-36
05/04/1977 Crayford Canterbury Challenge 36-42
05/04/1977 Ellesmere Port Coatbridge National League 48-30
05/04/1977 Leicester Coventry East Midlands Bowl L2 32-46
05/04/1977 Weymouth Newport Challenge L1 41-37
06/04/1977 Hull Sheffield Frank Varey Northern Trophy 46-32
06/04/1977 Poole Leicester Gulf Oil British League 54-24
06/04/1977 White City Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 42-36
07/04/1977 Newport Weymouth Challenge L2 33-43
07/04/1977 Sheffield Belle Vue Frank Varey Northern Trophy Postponed Rain
07/04/1977 Teesside Oxford National League 40-38
07/04/1977 Wimbledon Poole Spring Gold Cup 37-41
08/04/1977 Belle Vue Belle Vue v Sheffield v Hull TAC Northern 3TT 47 v 31 v 30
08/04/1977 Coatbridge Canterbury National League 49-29
08/04/1977 Hackney Ipswich Spring Gold Cup 31-46
08/04/1977 Ipswich Hackney Spring Gold Cup 46-32
08/04/1977 King's Lynn Leicester Border Trophy L2 51-25
08/04/1977 Oxford Teesside National League 53-25
08/04/1977 Peterborough Ellesmere Port National League 42-36
08/04/1977 Poole Exeter Spring Gold Cup 46-32 Also Easter Trophy L1
08/04/1977 Swindon Halifax Gulf Oil British League 62-15
08/04/1977 Wolverhampton Belle Vue Challenge 45-33
08/04/1977 Workington Newcastle Tyne-Derwent Trophy L1 45-33
09/04/1977 Belle Vue Belle Vue v White City v Wimbledon v Hackney London-Northern 4TT L1 36 v 31 v 11 v 18
09/04/1977 Berwick Canterbury National League 36-42
09/04/1977 Boston Eastbourne National League 42-36
09/04/1977 Coventry King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 45-33
09/04/1977 Cradley Heath Swindon Gulf Oil British League 36-42
09/04/1977 Halifax Sheffield Frank Varey Northern Trophy 37-41
09/04/1977 Stoke Newport National League 47-31
10/04/1977 Boston Scunthorpe Easter Egg Trophy L1 58-20
10/04/1977 Eastbourne Rye House National League 51-27
10/04/1977 Mildenhall Peterborough Fen Trophy L1 43-35
11/04/1977 Coventry Bristol Challenge 47-31
11/04/1977 Cradley Heath Sheffield Champagne Trophy 47-31
11/04/1977 Exeter Poole Spring Gold Cup 35-43 Also Easter Trophy L2
11/04/1977 Halifax Belle Vue Frank Varey Northern Trophy 33-45
11/04/1977 King's Lynn Swindon Gulf Oil British League 47-31
11/04/1977 Newcastle Workington Tyne-Derwent Trophy L2 38-40
11/04/1977 Peterborough Mildenhall Fen Trophy L2 47-31
11/04/1977 Reading Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 52-26
11/04/1977 Rye House Eastbourne National League 31-47
11/04/1977 Scunthorpe Boston Easter Egg Trophy L2 33-45
11/04/1977 Stoke Easter Vase Individual John Jackson
11/04/1977 White City Hull Gulf Oil British League 54-24
11/04/1977 Wimbledon Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 39-39
12/04/1977 Crayford Rye House Tunnel Trophy L2 36-41
12/04/1977 Ellesmere Port Peterborough National League 36-42
12/04/1977 Leicester Wolverhampton GOBL KOC R1 L1 40-38
12/04/1977 Weymouth Oxford Challenge L2 43-35
13/04/1977 Birmingham Reading Gulf Oil British League 37-41
13/04/1977 Hull Coventry Gulf Oil British League 44-33
13/04/1977 Poole Bristol Spring Gold Cup 52-25
13/04/1977 White City White City v Hackney v Belle Vue v Wimbledon London-Northern 4TT L2 38 v 14 v 27 v 17
14/04/1977 Ipswich King's Lynn Spring Gold Cup 45-33
14/04/1977 Newport Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 37-40
14/04/1977 Oxford Rye House NL KOC R1 L1 44-34
14/04/1977 Sheffield Exeter Gulf Oil British League 39-39
14/04/1977 Teesside Coatbridge National League 41-37
14/04/1977 Wimbledon Wimbledon v White City v Belle Vue v Hackney London-Northern 4TT L3 29 v 22 v 28 v 17
15/04/1977 Coatbridge Teesside National League 52-25
15/04/1977 Edinburgh Berwick Challenge 36-42
15/04/1977 Hackney Hackney v Belle Vue v White City v Wimbledon London-Northern 4TT L4 17 v 19 v 35 v 25
15/04/1977 Peterborough Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 43-34
15/04/1977 Wolverhampton Leicester GOBL KOC R1 L2 51-27
15/04/1977 Workington Stoke National League 54-23
16/04/1977 Belle Vue Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 50-28
16/04/1977 Berwick Edinburgh National League 43-35
16/04/1977 Canterbury Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 36-41
16/04/1977 Coventry Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 54-24
16/04/1977 Cradley Heath Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 48-30
16/04/1977 Halifax Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 52-26
16/04/1977 King's Lynn Ipswich Spring Gold Cup 37-41
16/04/1977 Stoke Scunthorpe Challenge 37-40
16/04/1977 Swindon Reading Inter-Counties Challenge L2 43-35
17/04/1977 Boston Canterbury National League 53-25
17/04/1977 Eastbourne Newport National League 59-19
17/04/1977 Mildenhall Crayford National League 45-33
17/04/1977 Rye House Oxford NL KOC R1 L2 44-34
18/04/1977 Birmingham Leicester Gulf Oil British League 44-34
18/04/1977 Exeter Wimbledon Spring Gold Cup 43-34
18/04/1977 Newcastle Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 44-34
18/04/1977 Reading Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 40-38
18/04/1977 Scunthorpe Ellesmere Port National League 29-49
19/04/1977 Crayford Newcastle National League 40-36
19/04/1977 Ellesmere Port Workington National League 44-34
19/04/1977 Leicester Hull Gulf Oil British League 43-35
19/04/1977 Weymouth Mildenhall National League 38-40
20/04/1977 Cradley Heath Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Postponed Rain
20/04/1977 Hull Belle Vue Frank Varey Northern Trophy 36-42
20/04/1977 Poole Halifax Gulf Oil British League 53-25
20/04/1977 White City Reading Gulf Oil British League 36-41
21/04/1977 Ipswich White City Gulf Oil British League 41-37
21/04/1977 Newport Crayford National League 41-37
21/04/1977 Oxford World Championship Qualifying Round Individual Paul Tyrer
21/04/1977 Sheffield Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 45-33
21/04/1977 Teesside Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 40-37
21/04/1977 Wimbledon Coventry Gulf Oil British League 47-31
22/04/1977 Coatbridge Scottish Best Pairs Championship Best Pairs Postponed Rain
22/04/1977 Edinburgh Scunthorpe NL KOC R1 L1 48-30
22/04/1977 Hackney Warners Superama Individual Malcolm Simmons
22/04/1977 Peterborough Boston Challenge 37-41
22/04/1977 Wolverhampton Hackney Gulf Oil British League 40-38
22/04/1977 Workington Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 40-38
23/04/1977 Belle Vue Hull Frank Varey Northern Trophy Postponed Rain - not restaged
23/04/1977 Berwick Coatbridge National League 37-41
23/04/1977 Canterbury Eastbourne NL KOC R1 L2 26-52
23/04/1977 Coventry Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 26-22 Aband Heat 08 - rain
23/04/1977 Halifax Hackney Gulf Oil British League 54-24
23/04/1977 King's Lynn Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 43-35
23/04/1977 Stoke Teesside National League 32-45
23/04/1977 Swindon Exeter GOBL KOC R1 L1 43-35
24/04/1977 Boston Ellesmere Port National League 45-32
24/04/1977 Eastbourne Edinburgh National League 49-29
24/04/1977 Mildenhall Weymouth National League 45-33
24/04/1977 Rye House Red Star Prague (Czechoslovakia) International Challenge 49-29
25/04/1977 Birmingham Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 41-37
25/04/1977 Exeter Swindon GOBL KOC R1 L2 50-28
25/04/1977 Newcastle Rye House National League 36-42
25/04/1977 Reading Poole GOBL KOC R1 L1 43-35
25/04/1977 Scunthorpe Edinburgh NL KOC R1 L2 43-34
26/04/1977 Crayford Stoke National League 12-05 Aband Heat 03 - rain
26/04/1977 Ellesmere Port Rye House National League 50-28
26/04/1977 Leicester White City Gulf Oil British League 37-40
26/04/1977 Weymouth Canterbury National League 49-29
27/04/1977 Belle Vue Halifax Frank Varey Northern Trophy 52-26
27/04/1977 Hull King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 38-40
27/04/1977 Poole Reading GOBL KOC R1 L2 12-12 Aband Heat 05 - Kevin Holden fatal accident
27/04/1977 White City Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 46-32
28/04/1977 Ipswich Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 49-28
28/04/1977 Newport World Championship Qualifying Round Individual Abandoned Heat 09 - rain
28/04/1977 Sheffield Hull Frank Varey Northern Trophy 53-24
28/04/1977 Swindon Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Postponed Rain
28/04/1977 Teesside Ellesmere Port National League 35-43
28/04/1977 Wimbledon Bristol Spring Gold Cup 44-33
29/04/1977 Bristol Daily Mirror Open Individual Ole Olsen
29/04/1977 Coatbridge Newcastle NL KOC R2 L1 47-30
29/04/1977 Edinburgh Newport National League 52-26
29/04/1977 Hackney Halifax Gulf Oil British League 39-32 Aband RS Heat 12 - rain - result stands
29/04/1977 Peterborough Canterbury National League 43-35
29/04/1977 Wolverhampton Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Anders Michanek
29/04/1977 Workington Teesside National League 50-28
30/04/1977 Belle Vue Swindon Gulf Oil British League 46-32
30/04/1977 Berwick Newport National League 42-36
30/04/1977 Canterbury Peterborough National League 40-38
30/04/1977 Coventry Poole Gulf Oil British League 47-30
30/04/1977 Cradley Heath Bristol Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
30/04/1977 Halifax Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 44-34
30/04/1977 King's Lynn Exeter Gulf Oil British League 38-40
30/04/1977 Stoke World Championship Qualifying Round Individual Robbie Gardner
01/05/1977 Boston Teesside National League 49-29
01/05/1977 Eastbourne Berwick National League 62-16
01/05/1977 Mildenhall Edinburgh National League Postponed Rain
01/05/1977 Oxford Canterbury National League 41-37
01/05/1977 Rye House World Championship Qualifying Round Individual Karl Fiala
02/05/1977 Birmingham Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Ole Olsen
02/05/1977 Exeter Hackney Gulf Oil British League 52-26
02/05/1977 Mildenhall Edinburgh National League 48-30
02/05/1977 Newcastle Coatbridge NL KOC R2 L2 Postponed Rain
02/05/1977 Reading King's Lynn Spring Gold Cup Postponed Rain
02/05/1977 Scunthorpe Peterborough National League 22-56
03/05/1977 Crayford Eastbourne NL KOC R2 L1 35-43
03/05/1977 Ellesmere Port Stoke National League 41-37
03/05/1977 Leicester Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Bob Kilby
03/05/1977 Weymouth Scunthorpe National League 53-25
04/05/1977 Coventry Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Ole Olsen
04/05/1977 Hull Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 43-35
04/05/1977 Poole Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 41-36
04/05/1977 White City Hackney Gulf Oil British League 61-17
05/05/1977 Ipswich Reading Spring Gold Cup Postponed Rain
05/05/1977 Newport World Championship Qualifying Round Individual Steve Weatherley
05/05/1977 Oxford Scunthorpe National League 27-15 Aband Heat 07 - rain
05/05/1977 Sheffield Coventry Gulf Oil British League 43-35
05/05/1977 Teesside Crayford National League 42-36
05/05/1977 Wimbledon Leicester Gulf Oil British League 43-35
06/05/1977 Bristol Exeter Spring Gold Cup 38-39
06/05/1977 Coatbridge Boston National League 43-11 Aband RS Heat 09 - rain - result stands
06/05/1977 Edinburgh Crayford National League 44-34
06/05/1977 Hackney Poole Gulf Oil British League 42-36
06/05/1977 Ipswich Reading Spring Gold Cup 36-42
06/05/1977 Peterborough Oxford National League 51-27
06/05/1977 Wolverhampton Swindon Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
06/05/1977 Workington Hull Inter-League KOC R1 28-50
07/05/1977 Belle Vue Golden Apple Individual Les Collins
07/05/1977 Berwick Boston National League 47-31
07/05/1977 Canterbury White City Inter-League KOC R1 20-57
07/05/1977 Halifax Hull Gulf Oil British League 48-30
07/05/1977 King's Lynn Coventry Gulf Oil British League 43-34
07/05/1977 Stoke Workington National League 41-37
07/05/1977 Swindon Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 41-37
08/05/1977 Boston Peterborough Challenge 41-37
08/05/1977 Eastbourne Wolverhampton Inter-League KOC R1 28-49
08/05/1977 Mildenhall Canterbury National League 42-35
08/05/1977 Newcastle Scunthorpe National League 53-25
08/05/1977 Rye House Ellesmere Port National League Postponed Rain
09/05/1977 Birmingham Hackney Gulf Oil British League 40-38
09/05/1977 Cradley Heath King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 41-33
09/05/1977 Exeter Halifax Gulf Oil British League 48-30
09/05/1977 Reading Claytons of Newbury Nulli Secundus Best Pairs Best Pairs Coventry O. Olsen & M. Shirra
09/05/1977 Scunthorpe Newcastle National League 30-47
10/05/1977 Crayford King's Lynn Inter-League KOC R1 25-52
10/05/1977 Ellesmere Port Eastbourne National League 43-35
10/05/1977 Leicester Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 36-42
10/05/1977 Weymouth Rye House National League 39-39
11/05/1977 Hull Leicester Gulf Oil British League 41-37
11/05/1977 Poole Sheffield Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
11/05/1977 White City England v Rest Of The World First Test 63-45
12/05/1977 Ipswich England v Rest Of The World Second Test 51-57
12/05/1977 Newport Stoke National League 42-35
12/05/1977 Sheffield Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 42-36
12/05/1977 Teesside Mildenhall National League 42-36
12/05/1977 Wimbledon Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 28-14 Aband Heat 07 - rain
13/05/1977 Bristol Poole Spring Gold Cup 54-24
13/05/1977 Coatbridge Halifax Inter-League KOC R1 38-40
13/05/1977 Edinburgh Rye House National League 38-40
13/05/1977 Hackney King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 33-45
13/05/1977 Peterborough Belle Vue Inter-League KOC R1 24-54
13/05/1977 Wolverhampton Golden Wonder Olympique Individual Billy Sanders
13/05/1977 Workington Mildenhall National League 45-33
14/05/1977 Berwick Bristol Inter-League KOC R1 34-41
14/05/1977 Canterbury Newport National League 45-32
14/05/1977 Coventry Reading Gulf Oil British League 45-32
14/05/1977 Cradley Heath Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 38-40
14/05/1977 Halifax World Championship British Quarter Final Individual Chris Pusey
14/05/1977 King's Lynn White City Gulf Oil British League 39-39
14/05/1977 Stoke Coatbridge National League 42-36
14/05/1977 Swindon Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 50-28
15/05/1977 Boston Coatbridge National League 48-28
15/05/1977 Eastbourne Crayford NL KOC R2 L2 54-23
15/05/1977 Mildenhall Mann Egerton Best Pairs Best Pairs B. Spelta & F. Mills
15/05/1977 Oxford Oxford v Cradley Heath v Swindon v Bristol Four Team 11 v 38 v 25 v 22
15/05/1977 Rye House Hackney Inter-League KOC R1 38-39
15/05/1977 Teesside Open Championship Individual Alan Emerson
16/05/1977 Birmingham Coventry Gulf Oil British League 41-37
16/05/1977 Cradley Heath World Championship British Quarter Final Individual Gordon Kennett
16/05/1977 Exeter King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 47-31
16/05/1977 Newcastle Peterborough National League 56-22
16/05/1977 Reading Hackney Spring Gold Cup 49-29
16/05/1977 Scunthorpe Coatbridge National League 40-37
17/05/1977 Ellesmere Port Workington NL KOC R2 L1 46-32
17/05/1977 Leicester Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 36-42
17/05/1977 Weymouth Crayford National League 40-38
18/05/1977 Hull Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 51-27
18/05/1977 King's Lynn World Championship British Quarter Final Individual Michael Lee
18/05/1977 Poole Reading GOBL KOC R1 L2 41-37
18/05/1977 White City Exeter Gulf Oil British League 47-31
19/05/1977 Crayford Weymouth National League 45-33
19/05/1977 Ipswich Halifax Gulf Oil British League 44-34
19/05/1977 Newport Ellesmere Port National League 43-35
19/05/1977 Oxford Eastbourne National League 44-34
19/05/1977 Sheffield Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 44-34
19/05/1977 Teesside Canterbury National League 35-43
20/05/1977 Bristol Wimbledon Spring Gold Cup 55-22
20/05/1977 Coatbridge Berwick Scottish Cup SF L1 52-26
20/05/1977 Edinburgh Newcastle National League 35-42
20/05/1977 Hackney World Championship British Quarter Final Individual Malcolm Simmons
20/05/1977 Peterborough Mildenhall NL KOC R2 L1 44-34
20/05/1977 Wolverhampton Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 35-40
20/05/1977 Workington Canterbury National League 44-34
21/05/1977 Belle Vue Hackney Gulf Oil British League 51-27
21/05/1977 Berwick Danny Taylor Memorial Trophy Individual Robin Adlington
21/05/1977 Canterbury Teesside National League 58-20
21/05/1977 Coventry England v Rest Of The World Third Test 48-59
21/05/1977 Cradley Heath White City Challenge 43-35
21/05/1977 Halifax Leicester Gulf Oil British League 49-29
21/05/1977 King's Lynn National League Select Challenge 47-43
21/05/1977 Stoke Edinburgh NL KOC R2 L1 40-38
21/05/1977 Swindon Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 52-26
22/05/1977 Boston Weymouth NL KOC R2 L1 43-34
22/05/1977 Eastbourne Oxford National League 53-25
22/05/1977 Mildenhall Peterborough NL KOC R2 L2 38-40
22/05/1977 Newcastle Coatbridge NL KOC R2 L2 49-29
22/05/1977 Rye House Teesside National League 50-28
23/05/1977 Birmingham Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 38-40
23/05/1977 Exeter Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 42-36
23/05/1977 Newcastle Crayford National League 48-30
23/05/1977 Reading England v Rest Of The World Fourth Test 46-62
23/05/1977 Scunthorpe Best Pairs Championship Best Pairs N. Allott & J. McNeill
24/05/1977 Ellesmere Port Crayford National League 51-24
24/05/1977 Hull England v Rest Of The World Fifth Test 55-53
24/05/1977 Leicester Hackney Gulf Oil British League 42-36
24/05/1977 Weymouth Boston NL KOC R2 L2 35-43
24/05/1977 White City Halifax Gulf Oil British League 53-24
25/05/1977 Poole Coventry Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
26/05/1977 Crayford Ellesmere Port National League 46-30
26/05/1977 Ipswich King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 45-33
26/05/1977 Newport Weymouth National League 43-34
26/05/1977 Oxford Mildenhall Challenge 52-25
26/05/1977 Sheffield Yorkshire Bank Jubilee Trophy Individual Alan Wilkinson
26/05/1977 Teesside Scunthorpe National League 51-27
26/05/1977 Wimbledon Swindon Gulf Oil British League 39-38
27/05/1977 Bristol Ivan Mauger Select Challenge 43-35
27/05/1977 Coatbridge Workington National League 50-28
27/05/1977 Edinburgh Stoke NL KOC R2 L2 44-34
27/05/1977 Hackney Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 25-53
27/05/1977 Peterborough K.R.C. Trophy Individual Colin Richardson
27/05/1977 Wolverhampton Hull Gulf Oil British League 39-38
28/05/1977 Belle Vue Leicester Gulf Oil British League 56.5-21.5
28/05/1977 Berwick Teesside NL KOC R2 L1 46-32
28/05/1977 Canterbury Newcastle National League 47-31
28/05/1977 Coventry Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 46-31
28/05/1977 Cradley Heath Exeter Gulf Oil British League 43-35
28/05/1977 Halifax Yorkshire v London Select Challenge 52-26
28/05/1977 King's Lynn Bristol Gulf Oil British League 45-33
28/05/1977 Stoke Pride Of The Potteries Individual John Jackson
28/05/1977 Swindon Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 50-27
29/05/1977 Boston Stoke National League 46-32
29/05/1977 Eastbourne Newcastle National League 52-26
29/05/1977 Mildenhall Newport National League 43-34
29/05/1977 Rye House Oxford NL KOC R1 Replay L1 42-36
29/05/1977 Workington Coatbridge National League 41-37
30/05/1977 Birmingham Poole Gulf Oil British League 35-43
30/05/1977 Exeter Festival Pairs Trophy Best Pairs J. Titman & M. Farrell
30/05/1977 Newcastle Eastbourne National League 39-37
30/05/1977 Reading Halifax GOBL KOC R2 L1 53-25
30/05/1977 Scunthorpe Edinburgh National League 32-46
30/05/1977 Sheffield Belle Vue Frank Varey Northern Trophy 34-44
31/05/1977 Crayford Mildenhall National League 50-28
31/05/1977 Ellesmere Port Ipswich Inter-League KOC R1 33-45
31/05/1977 Leicester Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 36-42
31/05/1977 Weymouth Peterborough National League 41-37
31/05/1977 White City King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 37-41
01/06/1977 Hull Halifax Gulf Oil British League 48-30
01/06/1977 Poole Skol Southern Masters Individual Malcolm Simmons
02/06/1977 Ipswich Belle Vue GOBL KOC R2 L1 38-40
02/06/1977 Newport Newport v Bristol v Exeter v Canterbury Four Team 19 v 20 v 42 v 15
02/06/1977 Oxford Rye House NL KOC R1 Replay L2 45-32
02/06/1977 Sheffield Skol Northern Masters Individual Doug Wyer
02/06/1977 Teesside Berwick NL KOC R2 L2 44-34
02/06/1977 Wimbledon Reading Gulf Oil British League 42-36
03/06/1977 Bristol Hull Challenge 51-27
03/06/1977 Coatbridge Scottish Best Pairs Championship Best Pairs B. Collins & B. Rourke
03/06/1977 Edinburgh Oxford National League 43-33
03/06/1977 Hackney Sheffield GOBL KOC R2 L1 49-29
03/06/1977 Peterborough Crayford National League 53-25
03/06/1977 Peterborough Scunthorpe National League 57-21
03/06/1977 Wolverhampton Leicester Gulf Oil British League 39-38
03/06/1977 Workington Ellesmere Port NL KOC R2 L2 42-36
04/06/1977 Belle Vue National League Best Pairs Championship Best Pairs Boston R. Hollingworth & C. Cook
04/06/1977 Berwick Coatbridge Scottish Cup SF L2 38-40
04/06/1977 Canterbury Mildenhall Challenge 58-49
04/06/1977 Cradley Heath Belle Vue Jubilee Trophy 55-41
04/06/1977 Halifax Coventry Gulf Oil British League 48-30
04/06/1977 King's Lynn Supporters Trophy Individual Malcolm Simmons
04/06/1977 Stoke Birmingham Challenge 28-50
04/06/1977 Swindon White City Gulf Oil British League 46-32
05/06/1977 Boston Barracuda All Greats v National League Select Challenge 36-42
05/06/1977 Eastbourne Eastbourne v Canterbury v Crayford v Rye House NL 4TT QR A L1 35 v 29 v 17 v 15
05/06/1977 Mildenhall Workington National League 37-41
06/06/1977 Boston Workington National League 46-32
06/06/1977 Exeter Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 58-20
06/06/1977 Halifax Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
06/06/1977 King's Lynn Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 42-35
06/06/1977 Newcastle Berwick National League Postponed Rain
06/06/1977 Peterborough Weymouth National League 55-23
06/06/1977 Reading Bristol Gulf Oil British League 49-29
06/06/1977 Rye House Rye House v Canterbury v Crayford v Eastbourne NL 4TT QR A L2 07 v 05 v 04 v 08 Aband Heat 04 - rain
06/06/1977 Scunthorpe Teesside National League Postponed Rain
06/06/1977 Stoke Ellesmere Port Jubilee Trophy 63-57
06/06/1977 Wimbledon Embassy Internationale Individual Edward Jancarz
07/06/1977 Birmingham Exeter Gulf Oil British League 35-42
07/06/1977 Ellesmere Port Belle Vue ATS Silver Jubilee Trophy 38-40
07/06/1977 Ipswich Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 44-34
07/06/1977 Leicester Reading Gulf Oil British League 37-41
07/06/1977 Weymouth Weymouth v Newport v Oxford v Stoke NL 4TT QR B L1 28 v 10 v 26 v 32
07/06/1977 White City Poole Gulf Oil British League 46-32
08/06/1977 Edinburgh Peterborough National League 54-24
08/06/1977 Hull Cradley Heath GOBL KOC R2 L1 46-32
08/06/1977 Poole Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 48-30
09/06/1977 Ipswich Golden Sovereign Individual Peter Collins
09/06/1977 Newport Newport v Oxford v Stoke v Weymouth NL 4TT QR B L2 14 v 07 v 10 v 05 Aband Heat 06 - rain
09/06/1977 Sheffield Hackney GOBL KOC R2 L2 46-32
09/06/1977 Teesside Peterborough National League 49-29
09/06/1977 Wimbledon Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 43-35
10/06/1977 Bristol Best Pairs Best Pairs Postponed Rain
10/06/1977 Hackney Birmingham Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
10/06/1977 Peterborough Peterborough v Boston v Mildenhall v Scunthorpe NL 4TT QR D L1 Postponed Rain
10/06/1977 Wolverhampton King's Lynn GOBL KOC R2 L1 Postponed Rain
10/06/1977 Wolverhampton Swindon Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
10/06/1977 Workington Berwick National League 46-32
11/06/1977 Belle Vue Ipswich GOBL KOC R2 L2 Postponed Rain
11/06/1977 Berwick Berwick v Workington v Teesside v Ellesmere Port NL 4TT QR C L1 20 v 21 v 26 v 29
11/06/1977 Canterbury Canterbury v Crayford v Eastbourne v Rye House NL 4TT QR A L2 29 v 22 v 31 v 14
11/06/1977 Coventry White City Gulf Oil British League 31-47
11/06/1977 Cradley Heath Hull GOBL KOC R2 L2 42-36
11/06/1977 Halifax Reading GOBL KOC R2 L2 29-12 Aband Heat 07 - rain
11/06/1977 King's Lynn Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 48-30
11/06/1977 Stoke Stoke v Oxford v Newport v Weymouth NL 4TT QR B L2 14 v 12 v 01 v 09 Aband Heat 06 - rain
11/06/1977 Swindon Leicester Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
12/06/1977 Boston Boston v Mildenhall v Peterborough v Scunthorpe NL 4TT QR D L1 37 v 19 v 27 v 13
12/06/1977 Coatbridge Coatbridge v Barrow v Edinburgh v Newcastle NL 4TT QR E L1 34 v 07 v 27 v 28
12/06/1977 Eastbourne Canterbury National League 49-29
12/06/1977 Oxford Newport NL KOC R2 L1 50-28
12/06/1977 Rye House Stoke National League 49-29
13/06/1977 Birmingham Skol Masters Grand Final Individual Peter Collins
13/06/1977 Exeter Coventry GOBL KOC R2 L1 38-40
13/06/1977 Newcastle Newcastle v Barrow v Coatbridge v Edinburgh NL 4TT QR E L2 Postponed Rain
13/06/1977 Reading Hull Gulf Oil British League 42-36
13/06/1977 Scunthorpe Scunthorpe v Boston v Mildenhall v Peterborough NL 4TT QR D L2 Postponed Rain
14/06/1977 Crayford Crayford v Eastbourne v Canterbury v Rye House NL 4TT QR A L3 Postponed Rain
14/06/1977 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port v Berwick v Teesside v Workington NL 4TT QR C L2 37 v 09 v 19 v 31
14/06/1977 Leicester Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 40-37
14/06/1977 Weymouth Skateboard Best Pairs Best Pairs A. Sage & M. Sampson
14/06/1977 White City Birmingham GOBL KOC R2 L1 Postponed Rain
15/06/1977 Edinburgh Edinburgh v Newcastle v Coatbridge v Barrow NL 4TT QR E L2 27 v 36 v 26 v 07
15/06/1977 Hull Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 44-34
15/06/1977 Mildenhall Mildenhall v Boston v Peterborough v Scunthorpe NL 4TT QR D L2 27 v 34 v 18 v 17
15/06/1977 Poole Exeter Gulf Oil British League 50-28
16/06/1977 Ipswich Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 43-35
16/06/1977 Newport Newport v Oxford v Stoke v Weymouth NL 4TT QR B L2 23 v 22 v 35 v 16
16/06/1977 Sheffield White City Gulf Oil British League 51-27
16/06/1977 Teesside Teesside v Berwick v Workington v Ellesmere Port NL 4TT QR C L3 24 v 21 v 07 v 44
16/06/1977 Wimbledon Bristol GOBL KOC R2 L1 48-30
17/06/1977 Bristol Wimbledon GOBL KOC R2 L2 56-22
17/06/1977 Coatbridge Eastbourne National League 32-46
17/06/1977 Hackney Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 44-34
17/06/1977 Peterborough Peterborough v Boston v Mildenhall v Scunthorpe NL 4TT QR D L3 28 v 32 v 17 v 19
17/06/1977 Wolverhampton Festival Of Speedway Individual Ole Olsen
17/06/1977 Workington Workington v Berwick v Teesside v Ellesmere Port NL 4TT QR C L4 34 v 05 v 21 v 36
18/06/1977 Belle Vue Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 44-34
18/06/1977 Berwick Eastbourne National League 31-47
18/06/1977 Canterbury Weymouth National League 57-21
18/06/1977 Coventry Exeter GOBL KOC R2 L2 57-21
18/06/1977 Cradley Heath Poole Gulf Oil British League 50-27
18/06/1977 Halifax Dews Trophy Individual Dave Jessup
18/06/1977 King's Lynn Wolverhampton GOBL KOC R2 L1 55-23
18/06/1977 Stoke Edinburgh National League 37-41
18/06/1977 Swindon Hackney Gulf Oil British League 51-27
19/06/1977 Boston Rye House National League 38-40
19/06/1977 Eastbourne Scunthorpe National League 57-21
19/06/1977 Mildenhall Crayford Challenge 47-31
19/06/1977 Newcastle Berwick National League 53-25
19/06/1977 Oxford Oxford v Weymouth v Stoke v Newport NL 4TT QR B L3 33 v 23 v 25 v 15
19/06/1977 Reading Australia v England v New Zealand v Scotland World Team Cup UK QR 33 v 42 v 08 v 13
20/06/1977 Birmingham White City GOBL KOC R2 L1 34-44
20/06/1977 Exeter Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 32-46
20/06/1977 Newcastle Newcastle v Barrow v Coatbridge v Edinburgh NL 4TT QR E L3 46 v 04 v 18 v 28
20/06/1977 Reading Coventry Gulf Oil British League 40-38
20/06/1977 Reading King's Lynn Spring Gold Cup 50-28
20/06/1977 Rye House Rye House v Crayford v Eastbourne v Canterbury NL 4TT QR A L3 24 v 13 v 34 v 24
20/06/1977 Scunthorpe Scunthorpe v Boston v Mildenhall v Peterborough NL 4TT QR D L4 14 v 31 v 21 v 30
21/06/1977 Crayford Crayford v Eastbourne v Canterbury v Rye House NL 4TT QR A L4 12 v 36.5 v 20 v 27.5
21/06/1977 Ellesmere Port Oxford National League 46-32
21/06/1977 Leicester Exeter Gulf Oil British League 33-45
21/06/1977 Weymouth Boston National League 34.5-43.5
22/06/1977 Hull White City Gulf Oil British League 38-40
22/06/1977 Poole Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 33-41
23/06/1977 Ipswich Bristol Gulf Oil British League 44-34
23/06/1977 Newport Oxford NL KOC R2 L2 41-37
23/06/1977 Sheffield King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 43-35
23/06/1977 Teesside Boston National League 46-31
23/06/1977 Wimbledon White City Challenge 40-38
24/06/1977 Bristol Coventry Gulf Oil British League 59-19
24/06/1977 Edinburgh Boston National League 45-33
24/06/1977 Hackney White City Gulf Oil British League 37.5-40.5
24/06/1977 Peterborough Workington National League 49-29
24/06/1977 Wolverhampton Reading Gulf Oil British League 31-47
25/06/1977 Berwick Edinburgh NL KOC QF L1 46-32
25/06/1977 Canterbury Junior Championship Of The British Isles Individual Les Collins
25/06/1977 Coventry Leicester Gulf Oil British League 57-20
25/06/1977 Cradley Heath Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 49-29
25/06/1977 Halifax Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 32-46
25/06/1977 King's Lynn Warners Stardust Best Pairs Best Pairs T. Betts & D. Gagen
25/06/1977 Stoke Stoke v Oxford v Newport v Weymouth NL 4TT QR B L4 36 v 23 v 10 v 26
25/06/1977 Swindon Poole Gulf Oil British League 47-31
26/06/1977 Belle Vue Halifax Gulf Oil British League 51-27
26/06/1977 Belle Vue Ipswich GOBL KOC R2 L2 59-19
26/06/1977 Boston Lincolnshire Trophy Individual Robert Hollingworth
26/06/1977 Eastbourne Crayford National League 51-26
26/06/1977 Mildenhall Scunthorpe National League 44-33
26/06/1977 Oxford Stoke National League 44-34
26/06/1977 Rye House Coatbridge National League 44-34
26/06/1977 Workington Edinburgh National League 48-29
27/06/1977 Birmingham World Championship British Semi-Final Individual Terry Betts
27/06/1977 Exeter Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 54-24
27/06/1977 Newcastle Cradley Heath Inter-League KOC R1 34-44
27/06/1977 Reading Reading v Swindon v Bristol v Poole Golden Wonder 4TT 39 v 19 v 23 v 15
27/06/1977 Scunthorpe Teesside National League 49-29
28/06/1977 Crayford Coatbridge National League 54-23
28/06/1977 Ellesmere Port Teesside National League 55-23
28/06/1977 Leicester Bristol Gulf Oil British League 35-42
28/06/1977 Weymouth Workington National League 39-39
28/06/1977 White City Birmingham GOBL KOC R2 L2 51-27
28/06/1977 White City Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 42-36
29/06/1977 Coventry Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 42-36
29/06/1977 Hull Bristol Inter-League KOC QF 48-30
29/06/1977 Poole World Championship British Semi-Final Individual Dave Jessup
30/06/1977 Newport Workington National League 46-32
30/06/1977 Oxford Rye House National League 38-37
30/06/1977 Sheffield Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 49-29
30/06/1977 Teesside Stoke National League 44-34
30/06/1977 Wimbledon Hull Gulf Oil British League 47-31
01/07/1977 Bristol Leicester Gulf Oil British League 58-20
01/07/1977 Edinburgh Mildenhall National League 40-38
01/07/1977 Hackney Reading Gulf Oil British League 33-45
01/07/1977 Peterborough Boston NL KOC QF L1 33-45
01/07/1977 Wolverhampton Exeter Gulf Oil British League 31-47
01/07/1977 Workington Belle Vue Challenge 22-56
02/07/1977 Belle Vue World Pairs Final Best Pairs England Pe. Collins & M. Simmons
02/07/1977 Berwick Bordernapolis Individual Graham Jones
02/07/1977 Canterbury Edinburgh National League 57-21
02/07/1977 King's Lynn Halifax Gulf Oil British League 52-26
02/07/1977 Stoke Ellesmere Port National League 38-40
02/07/1977 Swindon Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 50-28
03/07/1977 Boston Edinburgh National League 52-26
03/07/1977 Eastbourne Teesside National League 59-19
03/07/1977 Halifax King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 40-38
03/07/1977 Mildenhall Oxford National League 44-34
03/07/1977 Rye House Berwick National League 63-14
03/07/1977 Rye House Scunthorpe National League 51-27
04/07/1977 Birmingham Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 40-38
04/07/1977 Exeter Westernapolis Individual Michael Lee
04/07/1977 Newcastle Mildenhall National League 51-27
04/07/1977 Reading Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 42-36
04/07/1977 Scunthorpe Berwick National League 53-25
05/07/1977 Bristol Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 48-30
05/07/1977 Crayford Boston National League 43-34
05/07/1977 Ellesmere Port Scunthorpe National League 43-35
05/07/1977 Leicester Leicester v King's Lynn v Coventry v Birmingham Four Team 32 v 33 v 26 v 05
05/07/1977 Weymouth Teesside National League 46-32
05/07/1977 White City Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 43-35
06/07/1977 Cradley Heath Coventry Gulf Oil British League 40-38
06/07/1977 Edinburgh Workington National League 45-33
06/07/1977 Hull Reading Gulf Oil British League 31-47
06/07/1977 Poole Swindon Gulf Oil British League 42-36
07/07/1977 Ipswich Exeter Gulf Oil British League 41-37
07/07/1977 Oxford Weymouth National League 44-33
07/07/1977 Sheffield Halifax Gulf Oil British League 43-35
07/07/1977 Teesside England v Australasia First Test 76-32
07/07/1977 Wimbledon Wimbledon v White City v Reading v Hackney Golden Wonder 4TT 21 v 30 v 34 v 11
08/07/1977 Glasgow Crayford National League 39-37
08/07/1977 Hackney Bristol Gulf Oil British League 43-35
08/07/1977 Newport Boston National League 40-37
08/07/1977 Peterborough Mildenhall National League 53-25
08/07/1977 Wolverhampton Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 37-41
08/07/1977 Workington Eastbourne National League 37-41
09/07/1977 Belle Vue White City Gulf Oil British League 37-41
09/07/1977 Berwick Crayford National League 44-34
09/07/1977 Canterbury Ellesmere Port National League 42-35
09/07/1977 Coventry Hackney Gulf Oil British League 57-21
09/07/1977 Cradley Heath Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 50-28
09/07/1977 Halifax Hull Yorkshire Cup L1 45-33
09/07/1977 King's Lynn Reading Gulf Oil British League 42-36
09/07/1977 Stoke Eastbourne National League 24-54
09/07/1977 Swindon Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 41-37
10/07/1977 Boston Newport National League 44-34
10/07/1977 Eastbourne Newcastle NL KOC QF L1 54-24
10/07/1977 Mildenhall Berwick National League 64-14
10/07/1977 Rye House Ellesmere Port National League 39-38
11/07/1977 Birmingham Swindon T.S.B. Midland Cup R1 L1 36-42
11/07/1977 Exeter Leicester Gulf Oil British League 52-26
11/07/1977 Newcastle Edinburgh National League 45-33
11/07/1977 Reading Halifax Gulf Oil British League 57-21
11/07/1977 Scunthorpe Newport National League 51-27
12/07/1977 Crayford Rye House National League 37-38
12/07/1977 Ellesmere Port Edinburgh National League 45-33
12/07/1977 Leicester Cradley Heath T.S.B. Midland Cup R1 L1 38-40
12/07/1977 Weymouth England v Australasia Second Test 67-41
12/07/1977 White City Bristol Gulf Oil British League 49-26
13/07/1977 Coventry World Championship British Final Individual Michael Lee
13/07/1977 Hull Bristol Gulf Oil British League 42-36
14/07/1977 Ipswich Coventry Gulf Oil British League 46-32
14/07/1977 Oxford Ellesmere Port NL KOC QF L1 37-41
14/07/1977 Sheffield Poole Gulf Oil British League 46-32
14/07/1977 Teesside Newcastle Tyne-Tees Trophy L1 38-40
14/07/1977 Wimbledon Exeter Gulf Oil British League 41-36
15/07/1977 Bristol King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 43-34
15/07/1977 Edinburgh Berwick NL KOC QF L2 41-37
15/07/1977 Glasgow Weymouth National League 45-33
15/07/1977 Hackney Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 42-36
15/07/1977 Newport England v Australasia Third Test 58-50
15/07/1977 Poole Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 44-34
15/07/1977 Wolverhampton Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 48-30
15/07/1977 Wolverhampton Swindon Gulf Oil British League 40-38
15/07/1977 Workington Peterborough National League 46-32
16/07/1977 Belle Vue Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 39-39
16/07/1977 Berwick Weymouth National League 40-38
16/07/1977 Canterbury England v Australasia Fourth Test 44-63
16/07/1977 Coventry Halifax Gulf Oil British League 44-34
16/07/1977 Cradley Heath Leicester T.S.B. Midland Cup R1 L2 47-31
16/07/1977 King's Lynn Hull Gulf Oil British League 52-26
16/07/1977 Stoke Boston National League 40.5-37.5
16/07/1977 Swindon Birmingham T.S.B. Midland Cup R1 L2 52-26
17/07/1977 Boston Peterborough NL KOC QF L2 38-40
17/07/1977 Eastbourne Eastbourne Past v Ipswich Challenge 42-36
17/07/1977 Mildenhall England v Australasia Fifth Test 57-51
17/07/1977 Rye House Crayford National League 45-33
18/07/1977 Birmingham Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 25-53
18/07/1977 Exeter Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 57-21
18/07/1977 Newcastle Stoke National League 43-35
18/07/1977 Reading Jubilee Trophy Individual Michael Lee
18/07/1977 Scunthorpe Eastbourne National League 33-45
19/07/1977 Crayford Oxford National League 49-29
19/07/1977 Crayford Scunthorpe National League 48-30
19/07/1977 Ellesmere Port Mildenhall National League 39-39
19/07/1977 Leicester Jubilee Trophy Individual Postponed Rain
19/07/1977 Weymouth Newcastle National League 39-39
19/07/1977 White City Swindon Gulf Oil British League 52-26
20/07/1977 Hull Yorkshire Television Trophy Individual Ole Olsen
20/07/1977 Poole White City Gulf Oil British League 35-43
21/07/1977 Ipswich Hackney Gulf Oil British League 47-30
21/07/1977 Oxford Newcastle National League 41-37
21/07/1977 Peterborough East Of England Show Best Pairs Best Pairs R. Moore & K. Hawkins
21/07/1977 Sheffield Hull Gulf Oil British League 44.5-33.5
21/07/1977 Swindon Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Jim McMillan
21/07/1977 Teesside Rye House National League 39-39
21/07/1977 Wimbledon Bristol Gulf Oil British League 43-35
22/07/1977 Bristol Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 36-41
22/07/1977 Edinburgh Belle Vue Challenge 29-48
22/07/1977 Glasgow Rye House National League 38-40
22/07/1977 Hackney Coventry Gulf Oil British League 35-39 Result on track 39-38
22/07/1977 Newport Berwick National League 49-26
22/07/1977 Wolverhampton King's Lynn GOBL KOC R2 L2 41-37
22/07/1977 Workington Crayford National League 41-36
23/07/1977 Berwick Rye House National League 35-43
23/07/1977 Canterbury Workington National League 46-31
23/07/1977 Coventry Swindon Gulf Oil British League 43-35
23/07/1977 Cradley Heath Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 36-42
23/07/1977 Halifax Reading GOBL KOC R2 L2 38-40
23/07/1977 King's Lynn Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 38-40
23/07/1977 Stoke Crayford National League 38-40
24/07/1977 Boston Mildenhall National League 54-24
24/07/1977 Eastbourne Workington National League 63-15
24/07/1977 Mildenhall Suffolk Open Junior Championship Junior Individual Graham Davidson
24/07/1977 Rye House Herts Gold Cup Individual Postponed Rain
25/07/1977 Birmingham Brummies Present v Brummies Past Challenge 39-39
25/07/1977 Exeter Bristol Challenge 46-32
25/07/1977 Newcastle Glasgow National League 50-28
25/07/1977 Reading Leicester Gulf Oil British League 49-29
25/07/1977 Scunthorpe Canterbury National League 47-31
26/07/1977 Crayford Eastbourne National League 29-49
26/07/1977 Ellesmere Port Oxford NL KOC QF L2 46.5-31.5
26/07/1977 Leicester Poole Gulf Oil British League 38-40
26/07/1977 Weymouth Berwick National League 47-31
26/07/1977 White City Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 51-27
27/07/1977 Cradley Heath Daily Mirror Golden Hammer Individual Ole Olsen
27/07/1977 Hull Hackney Gulf Oil British League 48-30
27/07/1977 Mildenhall Boston National League 43-35
27/07/1977 Newport Teesside National League 59-19
27/07/1977 Poole King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 39-39
28/07/1977 Ipswich Ipswich v King's Lynn v Reading v Bristol Britannia Birthday 4TT 35 v 21 v 21 v 18
28/07/1977 Oxford Berwick National League 53-24
28/07/1977 Sheffield Hackney Gulf Oil British League 39-39
28/07/1977 Teesside Newport National League 45-33
28/07/1977 Wimbledon Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 40-38
29/07/1977 Bristol Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 44-33
29/07/1977 Edinburgh Ellesmere Port National League 31-47
29/07/1977 Glasgow Scunthorpe National League 45-33
29/07/1977 Hackney King's Lynn GOBL KOC QF L1 34-44
29/07/1977 Peterborough Rye House National League 44-34
29/07/1977 Wolverhampton Coventry Gulf Oil British League 35-43
29/07/1977 Workington Newport National League 49-29
30/07/1977 Belle Vue Wolverhampton Inter-League KOC QF 49-29
30/07/1977 Berwick Scunthorpe National League 38-40
30/07/1977 Canterbury Warners Grand National Southern Final Individual Mike Sampson
30/07/1977 Coventry Bristol Gulf Oil British League 48-30
30/07/1977 Cradley Heath Reading Challenge 42-36
30/07/1977 Halifax Exeter Gulf Oil British League 34-44
30/07/1977 Stoke Newcastle National League 33-45
30/07/1977 Swindon King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 40-38
31/07/1977 Belle Vue Marlboro Race Of Champions Individual Peter Collins
31/07/1977 Boston Warners Grand National Midland Final Individual Nicky Allott
31/07/1977 Eastbourne Weymouth National League 54-24
31/07/1977 King's Lynn Leicester Gulf Oil British League 44-33
31/07/1977 Newcastle Warners Grand National Northern Final Individual Tom Owen
31/07/1977 Rye House Canterbury National League 43-35
01/08/1977 Birmingham Birmingham v Cradley Heath v Wolverhampton E & S West Midlands 3TT L1 37 v 38 v 33
01/08/1977 Exeter Hull Gulf Oil British League 53-25
01/08/1977 Newcastle Boston National League 50-28
01/08/1977 Reading Swindon Gulf Oil British League 44-34
01/08/1977 Scunthorpe Oxford National League 40-37
02/08/1977 Crayford Workington National League 56-22
02/08/1977 Leicester Coventry Gulf Oil British League 27-51
02/08/1977 Weymouth Weymouth v Bristol v Exeter v Reading Four Team 10 v 31 v 17 v 38
03/08/1977 Coventry White City GOBL KOC QF L1 43-35
03/08/1977 Hull Bristol GOBL KOC QF L1 49-29
03/08/1977 Mildenhall Eastbourne National League 38-40
03/08/1977 Newport Glasgow National League 59-19
03/08/1977 Newport Peterborough National League 45-33
03/08/1977 Poole Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 40-38
04/08/1977 Oxford Ellesmere Port National League 43-35
04/08/1977 Oxford Glasgow National League 60-18
04/08/1977 Sheffield Bristol Gulf Oil British League 49-29
04/08/1977 Teesside Weymouth National League 44-34
04/08/1977 Wimbledon Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 48-30
05/08/1977 Bristol Hull GOBL KOC QF L2 52-26
05/08/1977 Eastbourne Boston National League 57-20
05/08/1977 Edinburgh Weymouth National League 45-33
05/08/1977 Ellesmere Port Newcastle National League 42-36
05/08/1977 Glasgow Mildenhall National League 54-24
05/08/1977 Hackney London Riders Championship Individual Larry Ross
05/08/1977 Peterborough Newport National League 52-26
05/08/1977 Poole Coventry Gulf Oil British League 48-30
05/08/1977 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton v Birmingham v Cradley Heath E & S West Midlands 3TT L2 33 v 31 v 44
05/08/1977 Workington Rye House National League 35-43
06/08/1977 Belle Vue Coventry Gulf Oil British League 47-31
06/08/1977 Berwick Mildenhall National League 39-39
06/08/1977 Canterbury Scunthorpe National League 44-33
06/08/1977 Cradley Heath Cradley Heath v Birmingham v Wolverhampton E & S West Midlands 3TT L3 43 v 31 v 34
06/08/1977 Halifax Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 41-36
06/08/1977 Ipswich Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 46-32
06/08/1977 King's Lynn Hackney GOBL KOC QF L2 42-36
06/08/1977 Stoke Rye House National League 38-40
06/08/1977 Swindon Bristol Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
07/08/1977 Peterborough Boston v Eastbourne v Ellesmere Port v Stoke NL 4TT SF 1 07 v 21 v 08 v 12
07/08/1977 Peterborough Canterbury v Oxford v Newcastle v Peterborough NL 4TT SF 2 18 v 07 v 09 v 14
07/08/1977 Peterborough Eastbourne v Stoke v Canterbury v Peterborough NL 4TT Final 13 v 04 v 14 v 17
08/08/1977 Birmingham Hull Gulf Oil British League 38-40
08/08/1977 Exeter Belle Vue Challenge 52-26
08/08/1977 Newcastle Eastbourne NL KOC QF L2 34-43
08/08/1977 Reading Hackney Gulf Oil British League 47-31
08/08/1977 Rye House Mildenhall National League Postponed Rain
08/08/1977 Scunthorpe Stoke National League 40-38
08/08/1977 White City Coventry GOBL KOC QF L2 50-28
09/08/1977 Crayford Kentish Times Trophy Individual Tom Owen
09/08/1977 Leicester Jubilee Trophy Individual Peter Collins
09/08/1977 Weymouth Stoke National League 35-43
10/08/1977 Edinburgh Glasgow National League 42-36
10/08/1977 Hull Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 52-26
10/08/1977 Mildenhall Rye House National League 42-36
10/08/1977 Poole Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 36-42
11/08/1977 Ipswich Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 41-37
11/08/1977 Oxford Boston National League 38-40
11/08/1977 Sheffield Leicester Gulf Oil British League 42-35 Result on track 45-33
11/08/1977 Teesside Newcastle National League 42-35
11/08/1977 Weymouth Seyco Soft Drinks Trophy Individual Malcolm Corradine
11/08/1977 Wimbledon King's Lynn Challenge 37-41
12/08/1977 Bristol Reading Gulf Oil British League 57-21
12/08/1977 Ellesmere Port Boston National League 40-37
12/08/1977 Hackney Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 48-30
12/08/1977 Newport Newcastle National League 50-28
12/08/1977 Peterborough Edinburgh National League 47-31
12/08/1977 Wolverhampton Poole Gulf Oil British League 36-42
13/08/1977 Berwick Berwick v Glasgow v Teesside v Edinburgh Northern Fours 34 v 10 v 17 v 35
13/08/1977 Canterbury Eastbourne National League 41-37
13/08/1977 Coventry Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 39-39
13/08/1977 Cradley Heath White City Gulf Oil British League 33.5-44.5
13/08/1977 Halifax Swindon Gulf Oil British League 49-28
13/08/1977 King's Lynn Littlechild Trophy Individual Terry Betts
13/08/1977 Stoke Oxford National League 41-37
14/08/1977 Boston Weymouth National League 45-33
14/08/1977 Eastbourne Mildenhall National League 61-17
14/08/1977 Glasgow Glasgow v Berwick v Edinburgh v Newcastle Infradex Fours 30 v 26 v 22 v 18
14/08/1977 Halifax Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 36-42
14/08/1977 Rye House King's Lynn Challenge 40-38
14/08/1977 Workington Ellesmere Port National League 40-37
15/08/1977 Birmingham King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 36-42
15/08/1977 Exeter Coventry Gulf Oil British League 52-26
15/08/1977 Newcastle Ellesmere Port National League 46-32
15/08/1977 Reading Poole Gulf Oil British League 39-39
15/08/1977 Scunthorpe Weymouth National League 42-36
16/08/1977 Barrow Glasgow Challenge 44-34
16/08/1977 Crayford Canterbury National League 44-34
16/08/1977 Leicester Halifax Gulf Oil British League 45-33
16/08/1977 Weymouth Newport National League Postponed Rain
17/08/1977 Coventry Golden Wonder Brandonapolis Individual Postponed Rain
17/08/1977 Hull Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 52-26
17/08/1977 Mildenhall Teesside National League Postponed Rain
17/08/1977 Poole Reading Gulf Oil British League 42-36
17/08/1977 White City Hackney Inter-League KOC R2 Postponed Rain
18/08/1977 Ipswich Leicester Gulf Oil British League 54-24
18/08/1977 Oxford Scunthorpe National League 38-40
18/08/1977 Sheffield Northern Riders Championship Final Individual Postponed Rain
18/08/1977 Teesside Eastbourne National League 40-38
18/08/1977 Weymouth Ellesmere Port National League 40-36
18/08/1977 Wimbledon Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 48-30
19/08/1977 Boston Berwick NL KOC SF L1 38-40
19/08/1977 Bristol White City Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
19/08/1977 Edinburgh Eastbourne National League 30-48
19/08/1977 Ellesmere Port National League Select Challenge 40-38
19/08/1977 Glasgow Peterborough National League 48-29
19/08/1977 Hackney Hull Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
19/08/1977 Newport Mildenhall National League 44-34
19/08/1977 Wolverhampton Ipswich Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
19/08/1977 Workington Oxford National League 43-35
20/08/1977 Belle Vue Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 46-32
20/08/1977 Berwick Peterborough National League 54-24
20/08/1977 Coventry Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 46-32
20/08/1977 Cradley Heath Bristol Challenge 02-00 (34-19 & 42-12) Trial format 2 x 9 heats
20/08/1977 Hackney Warners Grand National Final Individual Martin Yeates
20/08/1977 Halifax White City Gulf Oil British League 38-40
20/08/1977 King's Lynn Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 41-37
20/08/1977 Stoke Scunthorpe National League 48-29
20/08/1977 Swindon Wadsworth Jubilee Trophy Individual Martin Ashby
21/08/1977 Rye House Boston National League 38-40
21/08/1977 White City World Championship Intercontinental Final Individual Peter Collins
22/08/1977 Birmingham Bristol Gulf Oil British League 43-35
22/08/1977 Exeter Swindon Gulf Oil British League 56-22
22/08/1977 Newcastle Hull Challenge 37-41
22/08/1977 Reading Belle Vue GOBL KOC QF L1 51-27
22/08/1977 Scunthorpe Rye House National League 39-39
23/08/1977 Barrow Eddie Crooks Trophy Individual Tom Owen
23/08/1977 Crayford Belle Vue Challenge 35-43
23/08/1977 Leicester Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 34-44
23/08/1977 Weymouth Newport National League 45-33
24/08/1977 Belle Vue Reading GOBL KOC QF L2 Postponed Rain
24/08/1977 Hull Exeter Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
24/08/1977 Mildenhall Stoke National League Postponed Rain
24/08/1977 Newport Oxford National League Postponed Rain
24/08/1977 Poole Hackney Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
24/08/1977 White City Birmingham Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
24/08/1977 White City Leicester Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
25/08/1977 Ipswich Poole Gulf Oil British League 58-20
25/08/1977 Oxford Newport National League 06-06 Aband Heat 02 - unfit track
25/08/1977 Sheffield Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 46-32
25/08/1977 Teesside Edinburgh National League 40-38
25/08/1977 Wimbledon Halifax Gulf Oil British League 50-27
26/08/1977 Bristol Exeter Gulf Oil British League 35-42
26/08/1977 Bristol Hull Gulf Oil British League 47-31
26/08/1977 Edinburgh Scunthorpe National League Postponed Rain
26/08/1977 Ellesmere Port Peterborough Challenge 42-36
26/08/1977 Glasgow Highlanders v Anzacs v Sassenachs Three Team 39 v 33 v 36
26/08/1977 Hackney Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 41-37
26/08/1977 King's Lynn Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 37-41
26/08/1977 Workington Teesside Challenge 28-20 Aband Heat 08 - rain
27/08/1977 Belle Vue King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 45-33
27/08/1977 Berwick Boston NL KOC SF L2 45-33
27/08/1977 Canterbury Crayford National League 43-34
27/08/1977 Coventry Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 45-32
27/08/1977 Cradley Heath Wolverhampton T.S.B. Midland Cup SF L1 51-27
27/08/1977 Halifax Bristol Gulf Oil British League 45-33
27/08/1977 Peterborough Glasgow National League 56-22
27/08/1977 Stoke Edinburgh Challenge 63-51
27/08/1977 Swindon Hull Gulf Oil British League 46-32
28/08/1977 Boston Rye House Challenge 44-34
28/08/1977 Eastbourne Ladbrokes Argus Trophy Individual Mike Sampson
28/08/1977 Mildenhall Ellesmere Port National League 39-39
28/08/1977 Wolverhampton Pride Of The Midlands Trophy Individual Gordon Kennett
29/08/1977 Birmingham Wolverhampton Challenge 33-45
29/08/1977 Canterbury Berwick National League 59-19
29/08/1977 Coventry Swindon T.S.B. Midland Cup SF L1 54-24
29/08/1977 Cradley Heath Midland Riders Championship Qualifying Round Individual Ole Olsen
29/08/1977 Exeter Reading Gulf Oil British League 59-19
29/08/1977 Halifax Belle Vue Warburton's £100 Challenge 47-31
29/08/1977 Hull Poole Gulf Oil British League 47-31
29/08/1977 King's Lynn Sheffield Challenge 43-35
29/08/1977 Newcastle Workington National League 59-18
29/08/1977 Peterborough Brian Clark's 7 v Ian Clark's 7 Challenge 34-44
29/08/1977 Reading Exeter Gulf Oil British League 39-39
29/08/1977 Rye House Edinburgh National League 56-22
29/08/1977 Scunthorpe Mildenhall National League 44-34 Result on track 45-33
29/08/1977 Weymouth Glasgow National League 38-40
29/08/1977 White City Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 42-36 Also London Cup
29/08/1977 Wimbledon White City Gulf Oil British League 38-40
30/08/1977 Barrow Workington Challenge 45-32
30/08/1977 Bristol Hackney Gulf Oil British League 48-30
30/08/1977 Crayford Berwick National League 47-31
30/08/1977 Crayford Edinburgh National League 52-26
30/08/1977 Leicester Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 44-34
30/08/1977 Weymouth Eastbourne National League 37-41
31/08/1977 Mildenhall Teesside National League 52-26
31/08/1977 Poole Hull Gulf Oil British League 48-30
01/09/1977 Ipswich Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 55-23
01/09/1977 Oxford Mildenhall National League 39-39
01/09/1977 Sheffield Swindon Gulf Oil British League 54-23
01/09/1977 Stoke Berwick National League 18-18 Aband Heat 06 - rain
01/09/1977 Teesside Ellesmere Port Challenge 42-36
01/09/1977 Wimbledon Hackney Gulf Oil British League 47-31
02/09/1977 Edinburgh Stoke National League 40-37
02/09/1977 Ellesmere Port Eastbourne NL KOC SF L1 50-28
02/09/1977 Hackney Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
02/09/1977 Newport Canterbury National League 34-44
02/09/1977 Peterborough Berwick National League 60-18
02/09/1977 Peterborough Newcastle National League 40-38
02/09/1977 Wolverhampton Cradley Heath T.S.B. Midland Cup SF L2 40-38
02/09/1977 Workington Scunthorpe National League 34-44
03/09/1977 Belle Vue Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Larry Ross
03/09/1977 Berwick Stoke National League 46-31
03/09/1977 Canterbury Rye House National League 52-26
03/09/1977 Cradley Heath Leicester Gulf Oil British League 48-29
03/09/1977 Halifax Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 46-32
03/09/1977 King's Lynn Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Michael Lee
03/09/1977 Swindon Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Malcolm Simmons
04/09/1977 Boston Oxford National League 58-20
04/09/1977 Eastbourne Eastbourne v White City v Wimbledon v Poole Four Team 28 v 24 v 20 v 24
04/09/1977 Glasgow Newport National League 47-31
04/09/1977 Glasgow Stoke National League 46-32
04/09/1977 Mildenhall Peterborough National League 34-44
04/09/1977 Rye House Workington National League 56-22
05/09/1977 Birmingham Halifax Gulf Oil British League 43-32
05/09/1977 Exeter Bristol Gulf Oil British League 54-23
05/09/1977 Newcastle Newport National League 52-26
05/09/1977 Reading Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 47-31
05/09/1977 Scunthorpe Workington National League 58-20
06/09/1977 Barrow Newcastle Challenge 35-43
06/09/1977 Crayford Teesside National League 52-26
06/09/1977 Ellesmere Port Stoke Gunners-Potters Trophy L1 46-32
06/09/1977 Leicester King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 36-42
06/09/1977 Weymouth Oxford National League 41-37
07/09/1977 Hull Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 36-42
07/09/1977 Poole Whitbread Blue Riband Individual Malcolm Simmons
07/09/1977 White City Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Michael Lee
08/09/1977 Ipswich Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual John Louis
08/09/1977 Oxford Peterborough National League 51-27
08/09/1977 Sheffield Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Postponed Rain
08/09/1977 Teesside P. Reading Vintage v NE Select v Teesside v NL Stars Pete Reading Testimonial 25 v 22 v 25 v 24
08/09/1977 Wimbledon Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Gordon Kennett
09/09/1977 Bristol Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Phil Crump
09/09/1977 Edinburgh Golden Wonder Olympiad Individual Martin Yeates
09/09/1977 Glasgow Ellesmere Port National League Postponed Rain
09/09/1977 Hackney Gauloises British League Best Pairs Semi Final Best Pairs White City G. Kennett & S. Weatherley
09/09/1977 Newport Rye House National League 42-36
09/09/1977 Peterborough Ouse Valley Motors Best Pairs Best Pairs B. Spelta & S. Koppe
09/09/1977 Wolverhampton King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 44-33
09/09/1977 Workington Weymouth National League 34-44
10/09/1977 Belle Vue Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 26-52
10/09/1977 Berwick Teesside National League Postponed Rain
10/09/1977 Canterbury Glasgow National League 50-27
10/09/1977 Coventry Hull Gulf Oil British League 58-20
10/09/1977 Cradley Heath Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Ray Wilson
10/09/1977 Halifax Reading Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
10/09/1977 King's Lynn Poole Gulf Oil British League 47-31
10/09/1977 Stoke Weymouth National League 43.5-33.5
10/09/1977 Swindon Leicester Gulf Oil British League 43-35
11/09/1977 Boston Berwick National League 60-17
11/09/1977 Eastbourne Glasgow National League 60-18
11/09/1977 Eastbourne Peterborough National League 54-24
11/09/1977 Mildenhall Cobbold-Bugg Trophy Individual Bob Coles
11/09/1977 Rye House Newcastle National League 44-34
12/09/1977 Birmingham Ansells Inter-Nation Best Pairs Best Pairs U.S.A. S. Gresham & M. Curoso
12/09/1977 Exeter Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 42-36
12/09/1977 Newcastle Canterbury National League 47-31
12/09/1977 Reading Manpower Trophy Individual Finn Thomsen
12/09/1977 Scunthorpe Boston National League 42-35
12/09/1977 Sheffield Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Doug Wyer
13/09/1977 Barrow Stoke Challenge 41-36
13/09/1977 Crayford Peterborough National League 48-30
13/09/1977 Leicester Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Michael Lee
13/09/1977 Weymouth Edinburgh National League 41-37
14/09/1977 Belle Vue Bristol Gulf Oil British League 41-37
14/09/1977 Belle Vue Reading GOBL KOC QF L2 48-30
14/09/1977 Hull Swindon Gulf Oil British League 41-37
14/09/1977 Newport Edinburgh National League 46-32
14/09/1977 Newport Oxford National League 41-31 Aband RS Heat 12 - curfew - result stands
14/09/1977 Poole Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 44-33
14/09/1977 White City Coventry Gulf Oil British League 40-37
14/09/1977 White City Hackney Inter-League KOC R2 46-32 Also London Cup
15/09/1977 Ipswich Reading Gulf Oil British League 49-29
15/09/1977 Oxford Weslake Super National Individual Martin Yeates
15/09/1977 Sheffield Gauloises British League Best Pairs Semi Final Best Pairs Sheffield D. Wyer & C. Pendlebury
15/09/1977 Teesside Workington National League 47-31
15/09/1977 Wimbledon Poole Gulf Oil British League 47-31
16/09/1977 Bristol Swindon Gulf Oil British League 42-36
16/09/1977 Edinburgh Canterbury National League 37-41
16/09/1977 Edinburgh Teesside National League 52-25
16/09/1977 Ellesmere Port Newport National League 61-17
16/09/1977 Glasgow Oxford National League 42-36
16/09/1977 Hackney Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual John Louis
16/09/1977 Peterborough Eastbourne National League 42-36
16/09/1977 Wolverhampton Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Bob Valentine
16/09/1977 Workington Rye House Challenge 41-37
17/09/1977 Belle Vue Hull Gulf Oil British League 38-39
17/09/1977 Berwick Oxford National League 44-34
17/09/1977 Canterbury Canterbury v Crayford v Rye House Kent-Herts Triangle L1 39 v 40 v 29
17/09/1977 Coventry Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Ole Olsen
17/09/1977 Cradley Heath Hackney Gulf Oil British League 55-23
17/09/1977 Halifax Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Doug Wyer
17/09/1977 King's Lynn King's Lynn v Overseas v Ipswich v Boston P & P Four Team 29 v 09 v 33 v 25
17/09/1977 Stoke Peterborough National League 33-45
17/09/1977 Swindon Exeter Gulf Oil British League 39-39
18/09/1977 Boston Crayford National League 47-31
18/09/1977 Eastbourne Stoke National League 59-19
18/09/1977 Mildenhall Canterbury Challenge 40-38
18/09/1977 Rye House Newport National League 59-19
18/09/1977 Rye House Weymouth National League 49-29
18/09/1977 Teesside Silver Helmet Individual Nig Close
19/09/1977 Birmingham Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Ole Olsen
19/09/1977 Exeter Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Scott Autrey
19/09/1977 Newcastle Teesside Tyne-Tees Trophy L2 53-25
19/09/1977 Reading Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Dave Jessup
19/09/1977 Scunthorpe Crayford National League 27-21 Aband Heat 08 - rain
20/09/1977 Barrow Ellesmere Port Challenge 42-36
20/09/1977 Crayford Newport National League 47-31
20/09/1977 Leicester Swindon Gulf Oil British League 41-37
20/09/1977 Weymouth Weymouth Select v Poole Challenge 37-41
21/09/1977 Edinburgh Berwick National League 53-25
21/09/1977 Hull Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Ole Olsen
21/09/1977 Poole Volkswagen Grand Prix Qualifying Round Individual Dave Jessup
21/09/1977 White City King's Lynn GOBL KOC SF L1 42-34
21/09/1977 White City Leicester Gulf Oil British League 50-28
22/09/1977 Ipswich King's Lynn Inter-League KOC QF 43-35
22/09/1977 Oxford Edinburgh National League 42-35
22/09/1977 Sheffield Canada Dry Northern Riders Championship Final Individual Alan Wilkinson
22/09/1977 Swindon Coventry T.S.B. Midland Cup SF L2 29-48
22/09/1977 Teesside Berwick National League 41-36
22/09/1977 Wimbledon Exeter Challenge 45-33
23/09/1977 Bristol Halifax Gulf Oil British League 43-35
23/09/1977 Ellesmere Port Berwick National League 47-31
23/09/1977 Glasgow Edinburgh National League 44-34
23/09/1977 Hackney Hull Gulf Oil British League 42-36
23/09/1977 Hackney Leicester Gulf Oil British League 47-31
23/09/1977 Newport Scunthorpe National League 48-30
23/09/1977 Peterborough Peterborough v White City v King's Lynn v Ipswich Four Team 30 v 21 v 24 v 21
23/09/1977 Wolverhampton Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 40-38
23/09/1977 Workington Workington v Sheffield v Belle Vue v Birmingham Four Team 12 v 25 v 43 v 16
24/09/1977 Coventry Exeter Gulf Oil British League 42-36
24/09/1977 Cradley Heath Reading Gulf Oil British League 41-37
24/09/1977 Halifax Poole Gulf Oil British League 48-30
24/09/1977 King's Lynn White City GOBL KOC SF L2 44-34
24/09/1977 Swindon Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 47-31
24/09/1977 Swindon Bristol Gulf Oil British League 51-27
24/09/1977 Wimbledon Gauloises National League Riders Championship Individual Colin Richardson
25/09/1977 Berwick Workington National League 47-31
25/09/1977 Boston Newcastle National League 09-15 Aband Heat 04 - rain
25/09/1977 Eastbourne Ellesmere Port NL KOC SF L2 57-21
25/09/1977 Mildenhall Glasgow National League 50-28
25/09/1977 Reading Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 04-02 Aband Heat 01 - rain
25/09/1977 Rye House Peterborough National League 49-29
26/09/1977 Birmingham Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 31-47
26/09/1977 Exeter Poole Gulf Oil British League 56-21
26/09/1977 Newcastle Oxford National League 47-31
26/09/1977 Reading White City Gulf Oil British League 43-35
26/09/1977 Scunthorpe Crayford National League 49-29
27/09/1977 Barrow Teesside Challenge 42-36
27/09/1977 Crayford Crayford v Canterbury v Rye House Kent-Herts Triangle L2 42 v 33 v 32
27/09/1977 Leicester Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 38-40
28/09/1977 Coventry Cradley Heath T.S.B. Midland Cup Final L1 47-31
28/09/1977 Hull Exeter Gulf Oil British League 36-42
28/09/1977 Poole Bristol Gulf Oil British League 55-23
28/09/1977 White City Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 49-29
29/09/1977 Cradley Heath Coventry T.S.B. Midland Cup Final L2 36-42
29/09/1977 Ipswich Gauloises British League Best Pairs Final Best Pairs Ipswich J. Louis & B. Sanders
29/09/1977 Oxford Newport National League 58-19
29/09/1977 Oxford Workington National League 51-27
29/09/1977 Sheffield Halifax Frank Varey Northern Trophy 47-30
29/09/1977 Stoke Berwick National League 52-26
29/09/1977 Stoke Canterbury National League 38-40
29/09/1977 Teesside Farewell Trophy Individual Kelvin Mullarkey
29/09/1977 Wimbledon Hackney London Cup 51-27
30/09/1977 Bristol Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 43-35
30/09/1977 Edinburgh Scunthorpe National League 40-38
30/09/1977 Ellesmere Port Canterbury National League Postponed Rain
30/09/1977 Hackney Exeter Gulf Oil British League 41-37
30/09/1977 Newport Eastbourne National League Postponed Rain
30/09/1977 Peterborough Stoke National League 44-34
30/09/1977 Wolverhampton Halifax Gulf Oil British League 05-00 Aband Heat 01 - rain
30/09/1977 Workington Newcastle National League 31-45
01/10/1977 Belle Vue Poole Gulf Oil British League 47-31
01/10/1977 Berwick Newcastle National League 41-37
01/10/1977 Canterbury Stoke National League 45-33
01/10/1977 Cradley Heath Hull Gulf Oil British League 44-33
01/10/1977 Cradley Heath White City Inter-League KOC QF 53-25
01/10/1977 Hackney Wimbledon Gulf Oil British League 45-33
01/10/1977 Halifax Midlands Select Challenge 40-38
01/10/1977 King's Lynn Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 42-36
01/10/1977 Swindon Reading Gulf Oil British League 32-46
02/10/1977 Boston Scunthorpe National League 57-21
02/10/1977 Eastbourne Belle Vue Challenge 37-41
02/10/1977 Glasgow Newcastle National League 37-41
02/10/1977 Mildenhall Stoke National League 46-32
02/10/1977 Rye House Oxford National League 45-30
02/10/1977 Wolverhampton Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 37-41
03/10/1977 Birmingham Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 33-45
03/10/1977 Exeter Dairy Crest Knockout Trophy Individual Scott Autrey
03/10/1977 Newcastle Eastbourne Challenge 39-38
03/10/1977 Reading King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 43-35
03/10/1977 Scunthorpe Present v Past Challenge 35-43
04/10/1977 Barrow Scunthorpe Challenge 46-31
04/10/1977 Crayford Stoke National League 41-37
04/10/1977 Leicester Coventry Challenge 44-34
04/10/1977 Poole Hackney Gulf Oil British League 50-27
05/10/1977 Hull Cradley Heath Gulf Oil British League 44-34
05/10/1977 White City Volkswagen Grand Prix Final Individual Ole Olsen
06/10/1977 Ipswich Belle Vue Inter-League KOC SF 39-38
06/10/1977 Oxford Crayford National League 47-31
06/10/1977 Sheffield Reading Gulf Oil British League 37-40
06/10/1977 Wimbledon White City London Cup 44-33
07/10/1977 Bristol Poole Gulf Oil British League 45-33
07/10/1977 Edinburgh Edinburgh v Cradley Heath v Hull v White City Four Team Postponed Rain
07/10/1977 Ellesmere Port Canterbury National League 44-34
07/10/1977 Hackney Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 46-32
07/10/1977 Newport Eastbourne National League 36-42
07/10/1977 Peterborough Boston National League 42-36
07/10/1977 Wolverhampton Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 43-35
07/10/1977 Wolverhampton Halifax Gulf Oil British League 52-26
08/10/1977 Belle Vue Exeter Gulf Oil British League Postponed Rain
08/10/1977 Berwick Eastbourne NL KOC Final L1 41-37
08/10/1977 Canterbury Mildenhall National League 49-29
08/10/1977 Coventry Golden Wonder Brandonapolis Individual Ole Olsen
08/10/1977 Cradley Heath Hull Inter-League KOC SF 41-37
08/10/1977 Cradley Heath Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 37-41
08/10/1977 Halifax Reading Gulf Oil British League 36-42
08/10/1977 King's Lynn Hackney Gulf Oil British League 49-28
08/10/1977 Stoke Ellesmere Port Gunners-Potters Trophy L2 Postponed Rain
08/10/1977 Swindon Bristol Challenge Postponed Rain
09/10/1977 Boston Peterborough National League 41-36
09/10/1977 Eastbourne National League Select Challenge 67-23
09/10/1977 Glasgow Ellesmere Port National League Postponed Rain
09/10/1977 Mildenhall Mildenhall v Ipswich v King's Lynn Three Team 23 v 43 v 42
09/10/1977 Rye House Rye House v Crayford v Canterbury Kent-Herts Triangle L3 40 v 29 v 39
10/10/1977 Birmingham Swindon Gulf Oil British League 41-37
10/10/1977 Exeter Ipswich Gulf Oil British League 53-25
10/10/1977 Newcastle Ellesmere Port Handicap Challenge L1 51-27
10/10/1977 Reading Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 42-36
10/10/1977 Reading Bristol GOBL KOC SF L1 47-31
11/10/1977 Barrow Mr. Junior Of The North Junior Individual Mark Dickinson
11/10/1977 Crayford Crayford v Hackney v White City v Wimbledon Four Team 09 v 24 v 37 v 26
12/10/1977 Hull Halifax Yorkshire Cup L2 43-35
12/10/1977 Poole Reading Spring Gold Cup Final L1 42-36
12/10/1977 White City Peter Collins Seven Challenge 40-38
13/10/1977 Ipswich Hull Gulf Oil British League 44-34
13/10/1977 Sheffield Bass Yorkshire Open Championship Individual John Davis
13/10/1977 Stoke Ellesmere Port Gunners-Potters Trophy L2 42-36
13/10/1977 Wimbledon Favre-Leuba Laurels Individual Colin Richardson
14/10/1977 Bristol Reading GOBL KOC SF L2 42-36
14/10/1977 Bristol White City Gulf Oil British League 40-38
14/10/1977 Edinburgh Glasgow Scottish Cup Final L1 43-35
14/10/1977 Ellesmere Port Newcastle Handicap Challenge L2 51-27
14/10/1977 Hackney Swindon Gulf Oil British League 50-28
14/10/1977 Wolverhampton Champion Of Champions Trophy Individual Peter Collins
15/10/1977 Belle Vue Leyland Cars British League Riders Championship Individual Ole Olsen
15/10/1977 Berwick Teesside National League 51-27
15/10/1977 Canterbury Boston National League 41-37
15/10/1977 Mildenhall Suffolk Open Championship Individual Bob Coles
16/10/1977 Boston Newcastle National League Postponed Fog
16/10/1977 Glasgow Edinburgh Scottish Cup Final L2 40-38
16/10/1977 Halifax Halifax v Belle Vue v Sheffield v Hull Four Team Postponed Fog
16/10/1977 King's Lynn Ipswich Anglian Challenge Cup 50-27
16/10/1977 Rye House Mildenhall National League 46-32
16/10/1977 Wolverhampton White City Gulf Oil British League 35-43
17/10/1977 Birmingham Datsun Victoria Road Second City Trophy Individual Steve Bastable
17/10/1977 Exeter White City Gulf Oil British League 46-32
17/10/1977 Newcastle Rye House Challenge 38-40
17/10/1977 Reading Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League Postponed Fog
18/10/1977 Crayford Eastbourne Challenge 25-52
18/10/1977 Swindon Bristol Challenge 48-30
19/10/1977 Cradley Heath Wolverhampton Dudley-Wolves Trophy L1 40-38
19/10/1977 Glasgow Ellesmere Port National League 38-40
19/10/1977 Hull White City Challenge 50-28
20/10/1977 Boston Newcastle National League 41-37
20/10/1977 Ipswich Swindon Gulf Oil British League 47-31
20/10/1977 Sheffield Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 49-29
20/10/1977 Wimbledon Young England v Young Overseas Challenge 39-33 Aband RS Heat 12 - rain
21/10/1977 Bristol Birmingham Gulf Oil British League 47-31
21/10/1977 Ellesmere Port Mildenhall Challenge 50-28
21/10/1977 Hackney White City London Cup 38-40
21/10/1977 Wolverhampton Cradley Heath Dudley-Wolves Trophy L2 52-26
22/10/1977 Belle Vue Reading Gulf Oil British League 39-39
22/10/1977 Canterbury Oxford National League 50-28
22/10/1977 Cradley Heath Bristol Gulf Oil British League 51-26
22/10/1977 Halifax Exeter Challenge 41-37
22/10/1977 King's Lynn Coventry Challenge 55-23
23/10/1977 Boston Hackney Challenge 38-39
23/10/1977 Eastbourne Berwick NL KOC Final L2 61-16
23/10/1977 Glasgow Glasgow Select v Hull Grahame Dawson Benefit 38-40
23/10/1977 Mildenhall Belle Vue Challenge 27-51
23/10/1977 Oxford Jacko's Tornadoes Challenge 41-37
24/10/1977 Birmingham Birmingham v Coventry v Cradley v Wolverhampton Beacon Radio Midland 4TT 24 v 26 v 20 v 26
24/10/1977 Newcastle Newcastle v Hull v Exeter v White City Four Team 26 v 12 v 29 v 29
24/10/1977 Reading King's Lynn GOBL KOC Final L1 40-38
24/10/1977 Reading Sheffield Gulf Oil British League 49-29
26/10/1977 Belle Vue Exeter Gulf Oil British League 25-53
26/10/1977 King's Lynn Reading GOBL KOC Final L2 41-37
27/10/1977 Ipswich Cradley Heath Inter-League KOC Final L1 49-29
27/10/1977 Wimbledon Tommy Jansson Memorial Trophy Individual Ole Olsen
28/10/1977 Bristol Belle Vue Gulf Oil British League 40-38
28/10/1977 Ellesmere Port Tom Owen Select Challenge 44-34
28/10/1977 Hackney Warners Holiday Chase Individual Ole Olsen
29/10/1977 Canterbury Kent Messenger Trophy Best Pairs L. Rumsey & S. Koppe
29/10/1977 Cradley Heath Ipswich Inter-League KOC Final L2 46-32
29/10/1977 Halifax Halifax v Belle Vue v Sheffield v Hull Four Team 26 v 18 v 28 v 24
29/10/1977 King's Lynn Trumans Pride Of The East Individual Ole Olsen
30/10/1977 Boston Boston v Ipswich v King's Lynn v Belle Vue Four Team 25 v 38 v 19 v 14
30/10/1977 Hackney Rye House v Eastbourne Challenge 35-25
30/10/1977 Hackney Wimbledon London Cup 39-39
30/10/1977 Mildenhall National League Select Challenge 42-36
30/10/1977 Stoke Stoke v Belle Vue v Cradley Heath v Coventry Four Team 14 v 24 v 26 v 32
31/10/1977 Birmingham Handicap Individual Meeting Individual Ray Wilson
31/10/1977 Reading Poole Spring Gold Cup Final L2 48-30
31/10/1977 Reading Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 43-35
03/11/1977 Wimbledon King's Lynn Gulf Oil British League 44-34
04/11/1977 Bristol Wolverhampton Gulf Oil British League 42-36

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